
Monday, March 24, 2014

Love finds a way <3<3

They said, one day in my heart love will find a way.

I didn't believe them until i met you that day

I thought it's a fairy tale and will end anyway 

But, every morning when you stroke my hairs, hold my hands look into my eyes, that very moment i fall in love with you every day !

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


You are caged,

In the facade that you created

With those plastic smiles, the vanity bags 
and the faces so diligently painted

In the frenzy to win the never ending rat races

The need to be validated, the need to be accepted

You smile when you want to laugh and you hide when you want to cry.

You talk things, things about politics, may be fashion or sports or whatever
But, never your heart, Never !

You wake up every morning to make a living but never to make a life.

You strive and strive harder by every passing day to create a life which is approved by them.

Yes Them, the neighbours, the aunts, the boss, the friend, that don't know them.

You log in and logout just to be present, 

and not to really "connect"

You marry, you bear kids, earn money and thats all you do, 
because they say that's all you are supposed to.

You pray but you don't believe.

You point those fingers at the demons outside,but don't ever dare to look inside.

You put up a brave face, when you are actually scared.

You achieve glory at the pretense, of being radical.
While you don't look beyond what has been shown, 
you chicken out at the thought of doing beyond what has been done.

What if I tell you, there is no one looking, 

No one cares how you look, talk,what you do, don't do.
No one is looking, listening, judging
It doesn't matters really..

Will you still wear that plastic smile.
Carry on with relations u suffer, stick to that job you despise
Will you still hide when you want to cry.
Will you still put up that brave face when you are scared deep inside.
Will you restrain or jump and dance out of joy.

You know what? It doesn't matter really it doesn't.
You are just another minuscule particle 
of this vast very very vast universe.
No one cares 
And one day you will disappear 
just like smoke as if you were never there.

So breathe, at least breathe
Fill up you lungs with life.
It's not time yet.
You can't be dead...
not now..
You have to live once at least once before you are really dead.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Women's day - are we really ready for celebrations?

She doesn't pray anymore though she lives next to the "yellamma" temple. She lost her virginity when she was 13. She fell in love once but soon realised its too fancy an indulgence for her. She is the only "man" in the family of 5. But fears that she would no longer be there.....

She is suffering from HIV. She is a Devdasi - Prostitute of GOD!!!

Intimading and sacrilageous right??? But sadly its the truth that prevails at a much larger scale than we expect.

The devdasi culture is a perfect example of the disgusting hypocrisy that exists in our society. A society where we worship female deities in temples but are perfectly fine with commoditising women in every possible way - ads for men's deo, toothpaste, biscuits, cement, where women in skimpy clothes are extremely necessary (product is irrelevant as long a half naked women is there),we enjoy chikni chameli, and munni badnam with women dancing to detogatory lyrics. ( how does that matter that's our favourite party song)

Devdasi culture is another example of the levels to which a section of society can go down to in the name of religious rituals where parents turn pimps and hundreds of innocent girls are forced to become prostitutes in the name of GOD.

(To know more about devdasi culture click here)

On 8th march we will celebrate the "commercialisation of womenhood". We will go for our office sponsored lunches, like status updates on women's day share quotes on empowering women. Happily oblivious of the sect of women for whom being a women is a bane and not a boon, women who don't even get the fundamental right of being a human leave alone being a women. 

But who cares? celebrating women's day is important in our lives with our metro sexual partners, stable careers, bank balances, supportive families, an equal status as our male counter parts and freedom of choice on allmost everything.

All of us have got our fair share of status and freedom in the society. We are already celebrating our womenhood every day we don't need a special day.

The day when each and every women gets the respect she deserves, when we the fortunate and empowered section of women step ahead and give our support to the less fortunate women and bring them to the same level. The day when a ritual like devdasis no more exists. That day we as a society deserve to celebrate women's day in its true sense.

Milaap is one such organisation which is helping these women. This women's day lets make our small contribution to help these women. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Friends forever

They fell in love, got married
and lived happily ever after....
But not together

They were now best friends

The lost friend

Trying to search the benches of the classroom, the cards kept in that old envelope the laughter hanging in memories, the secrets kept safely deep in my heart

 Hoping to find you somewhere again some day....

 my lost friend

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Every weekend, we give out creative writing topics for the bloggers who love to write.